Wednesday 19 October 2011


As I was checking my email today I spied that I had recieved a message from one of my Festival Style gold medal holders....and would you believe, he enlightened me that i'd forgotten to upload the photo's i'd taken at Bestival, so here they are...

I've started to think about how to use all of these images now, here are a few sheets it's mocked up so far for the project which i've decided to call 'Festivalism'.

Thank You to everyone who took part! And look out for the final product some time soon!!

1 comment:

  1. Such cute festival photos! what camera did you take these on? i feel like i missed out on the festival front this summer... next year I'm doing as many as i can!! (depending on the bank balance!) I get my images from tumblr i usually find one tumblr/image i like and then trace back through the reblogs and find random others. This is my tumblr if you just click on one of the images to see the reblogs, should lead you to others you might like. Hope that helps a little! Hope everything is going well back in Notts! I'm always following your blog posts :) Lots of love xxx
